your such a tool, and obviously dont understand what went on in the last few months at k2. I will reiterate what i atempted to say.
K2 had a huge success with the PE this season, bigger then they even could have expected. Buy late october/early november most companys have already started production on next years equipment. So when k2 sold of of 03/04 PE's, they hurried the 04/05 production run, which was already in process. Buy doing this, they can offer a new ski, and fafill orders of the much wanted, underdog ski. That, along with the fact that all manufactures are releasing mid season skis for obvious reasons, is why k2 has next years ski out. Now, that particular 04/05 PE is actually sold out of, for first ship over the pond, but they will not be making a new model to next year, just continuing to produce this model.
Ok, so you ask, why the sudden urge in mid season releases? Well is actually simple marketing. A new ski usally comes out in the off season correct? Now, how many people in the off season are reading freeze (freeze doesnt even print during the offseason) or watching x games, none. So by companys doing mid season releases, they can generate much more interest in there product for must less money. People are reading ski mags right now, there watching skiing on tv, so the customer is involed right now, not like the off season. K2 was brilliant in there plan this year. Get there skis out quick, and people will want them. And it shows, im sure that if you compared stats in sales from the old enemy, to the Pe you would be amazed. K2 moved there production facilitys to China, not to cut costs, but for production consistoncy. Along with that move comes lower costing skis, which is exaclty what this market needs.
Im all for k2, and you need to pull you head out of your ass for a change, dickface.
Now, Whats all the hustlebustle about?