what i do is you take 1 or 2 eggs. and whip um up as if you were making scrambled eggs. you can add cinimin if you want. then you take a peice of bread and drop it in to your eggs. (gotta use a wide bowl) then you take a fork or your hands or whatever and flip it over. now you should have yellow peice of bread. you cook it at about medium temp, this might take longer but its worth it not to burn it. and you gotta let the one side cook then when you think its done flip it. youll no what itll look like. then once the other sides done, you take it outve the pan. repeat until your not hungry nemore. and you can make more that one at a time unless your retarded. then you can throw whats left of your egg thing into the pan and have some cinnamin eggs. (ther pretty good) and dont over load it with cinnamin or else youll gag.
The above comment is the opinions and veiws of I, Craige Diaz, and I hereby accept no responsibility for them.
NewSchoolSnow Productions|www.nssnow.tk