Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: A wild rock appears!
You: i choose... magikarp
Stranger: Wild Rock uses Stunning Hump
You: magikarp- use your completely ineffective attack!
You: its not very effective...
Stranger: Wild Rock is completely unaffected by Magikarps Ineffective Attack!
You: magikarp, thats enough!
Stranger: Wild Rock stands still, it's building a charge!
You: jiggly puff, do some crazy shit!
Stranger: Wild Rock morphs into HUGE BOULDER OF DOOM
You: jigglypuff does nothing!
You: jigglypuff cowers under mega boulder
Stranger: Wild Rock rolls over Jigglypuff
You: jigglypuff poops itself a little bit
You: i choose... mother fucking mewtwo
Stranger: Wild Rock charges Mewtwo
You: mewtwo rearranges the space time continuum
Stranger: Wild Rock looks confused.
You: he dissassembles mega rock
You: and all life on earth as we know it
Stranger: Wild Rock is dissasembled!
You: there is no future or past
You: there is only mewtwo left now
Stranger: Congrats! You've defeated Wild Rock, the United States, and everything but Mewtwo! +5 xp