I dont know whether to post this here or NSG, but what ever
recently, my earbuds (v-modas) which i love, and were expensive, have been having sound problems. i realized one day that i was just hearing like the background music. i wasn't hearing and singing and i was missing some other sounds. I messed around with the jack, pushed it in and what not, no luck. then i started pushing and twirling the cable around and i would get sounds at certain spots, but i would lose it if the cable moved around to much.
so i pretty much figured out it was a connection problem in the jack (please correct me if im wrong).
I googled it and found how to fix it, you need to cut the jack off, strip a couple wires and solder them onto a new jack. I am pretty handy as well as my dad so i think i could pull it off.
my question is, where can i get a jack? im looking to try to get on on ebay or something for cheap. what exactly am i looking for?
also, the wire to my cord to my headphones is cloth so it definitely wont strip easily. how do i strip it?