My roommate is a huge mooch alot of the times. He usually won't take anything of mine unless I let him have some of it first, like I had a 2 liter of coke and I said he could have a glass. Next day, it was gone. If I tell him he can have some of something he just finishes it off, kinda annoying.
Anyway, this weekend I was home visiting my girl. He finished my fifth of Captains, ate a bag of my chips and ate a box of my pasta.
But the chips is the ridic part. He was out drinking and remembered I had a bag of chips at home. So he stopped at the store to BUY DIP! For MY chips! And he didn't buy chips himself. What the fuck? I seriously couldn't believe it haha. I find it so ridiculous its actually funny. Who goes to the store to buy dip for chips that aren't theirs and doesn't buy chips themselves.. I asked him about it and he just said "sorry man" and that was it.