Replying to Very interesting 1st week back to school story
Ok so heres my story. I left my college town of mount pleasant michigan for the first time in two years to spend the christmas break with my family in kokomo indiana. Once i got back to school last friday the drinking commenced quite heavily (no suprise). Bonding with the roomies and getting drunk is always fun.
So on monday night my girlfriend of two years calls, she is still at home. She sounds all depresssed on the phone so i ask whats wrong until she finally says she thinks we should break up. you might think this came as a bad thing to me however it was quite the opposite i had been thinking about the same things and had planned to talk to her once she got back to school. That made the breakup much easier for both of us.
We finally cut down on the drinking on tuesday night cause classes started wednesday and we all thought it best not to have a huge hangover going throught the first day of classes.
So wednesday rolls around and i wake up and head out the door with my roomie at 7:30ish. we open the front door only to find about 4 inches of snow had fallen between 4 am and the present and it wasnt looking to let up anytime soon. Perfect weather to walk around campus all day in. (normally i dont mind snow but the conditions were not nice winds gusting up to and above 30 mph and temps with out the windchill in the single digits (farhenheit). This amounted to the biggest single snowfall in the area in over 2 years, granted it was only about 8-10 inches but it really hasnt stopped snowing since we have a little over a foot at this point which is odd for this part of the state.
So after an amazing start to the semester we began our bowling league that night. now our bowling league is actually more of a drinking league with a bowling problem. this semester we know half the teams that are bowling on the same night. Not suprisingly the more drunk i got the better i bowled. As the clock turns midnight i am stood up and sung happy birthday i am now 23 years old which brought along with it a couple glasses of beer which i was 'forced' to slam.
So thurdays begins as early as wednesday and after another full day of class work snow and single digit temps my roomies whisk me off to a bar downtown known as the pub. The pub is actually far from what i would consider a 'pub' it is more of a club with several bar areas a dance floor, and many girls wearing little more than under garments (being a single man i am far from complaining.) After we close the place and take the taxi/drunk bus ride home next to a cute chick with a quick couple kisses i proceed to pass out and await class in the morning.
Friday danws and i make my way to class then back home right after (screw work today) still feeling buzzed from the night before i pass out again until dinner time. We then proceed to a friends place where the night consists of lots of beer pong and drunken conversations with hotties.
I had told myself that i was going to take it easy on friday night so that saturday night for our party i would be at 100%, whoops that didnt happen. So saturday consisted of me sleeping in between trying to get the place 'party-proofed'. we get the keg around 9 and proceed to try and tap it with the shittiest tap ever. so we proceed back to the store to get the second to shittiest tap ever! this one worked half the time so we said fuck it and started drinking. the foosball table and card games got going and the beer pong began once the wood table top arrived. The place began to fill up and and before any of us roomies realized it our place was hoppin and cups went from $2 to free oh well guess thats how it goes.
Then trouble... at the point the place was packed guess what the half barrel gave out. Quick check the watches... holy shit its only 11:30 we need more kegs stat! quick run to the corner store but they are out of half barrels damn how bout 2 1/4 barrels that works! Back to the packed apartment with more of the lifeblood. 'kegs comin through get the fuck out of my way' not that a 1/4 barrel is that heavy but when i had to carry it an 1/8th of a mile from where we had to park it wears on ya.
Within 45minutes the first 1/4 barrel was gone, woah thats way too quick and our apt is way to crowded with people we dont know. time for crowd control with the help of a couple 6 foot 3+ 250lbs guys the job was done quickly and without problem.
the music pounded and people partied til around 3:30 or 4. Then it seemed all of a sudden everyone was gone except my roomie tim his friend bill and a nice hottie named jess. Thats when the fun began jess and i roled around the furniture and floor til after 5am arms clutched and fighting for control of the football. You will NEVER see me complain for rolling around with a hottie for an hour and a half. This was a great first week of the semester.
Lets recap lots of drinking, birthday, lots of drinking, great party, lots of drinking, fighting for football with hottie!
well for those that read it all thanks. and in no way am i trying to steal any thunder from skipimps amazing stories. i could never write like that.
Get over it
Gotta Love The Midwest
Bring On The Good Ol White Stuff
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