i made a thread about this in LM a while back, but didnt get much back... and now that spring is here, i have decided to try again in NSG
also, i totally understand how haggard and hippie it is to brew your own shit, but im 15, have like, no method of getting alcohol, and i learned how to make basic alcohol by fermenting yeast in biology.
so, i am asking anyone out there who has done this, heard of doing this, or know how it is done.
im not planning on making a still, because i need it to be all secret. i also know that its gonna stink really bad and i have figured out where i am gonna hide my brew. i was thinking of using some citrus fruit to make it, not corn or potatoes or barley or any starchy hardcore stuff.
I also want to get a hydrometre (specifically an alcoholometre) so i dont poison myself or my friends with incredible potent stuff.
anyways if anyone has actually done this, pm me with your method because i have some specific questions. this is getting quite long so maybe i will add some of those questions later