how'd ya do 'em? more interesting to me however, is how you dealt with the mental side of things when it came to recovery.
This is where I'm having some trouble. I'll give a little background.
Last season, I ripped up my left ACL cracked a bone somewhere around my knee and generally effed it all up. It was no big deal, the ACL didn't get diagnosed until November but they told me I was cool to ski anyway, just no park, no moguls... at least I could rip. So maybe a month ago, I'm just ripping down a groomer and kablow my right knee is toasted. I manage, after a long while sitting under the chair, to get up and ski down but I knew I had done some serious damage. I'm still waiting for the MRI results but the doc said it's definitely another ACL tear. So now I'm looking at two repair surgeries that could potentially keep me off snow for two years. I'm kind of freaking out. Best case, I only miss one season. This could (and does, by the way) explain my new and unabated presence on ns.
Anyway, any hard core ski injuries that kept you off snow for a while? How did you deal with them?