I'm 16, and I'm looking for a job that i can really enjoy. I LOVE WAXING AND WORKING ON MY SKIS. i almost see it as art, perfecting them and all. i would also really like to work at a shop and it seems that getting kids to work the floors is much easier to find then a shop tech.
so i put two and two together and bam, i wanna try to become a shop tech.
so i know how to wax, sharpening and what not is easy, and i have never actually mounted skis or anything but i am very good with drills and equipment like that, im handy.
how do i become a shop tech? im sure i need to get some sort of certification, right? what about some training for things like mounting and base grinding and that? also, shops use those industrial waxers, right? not like a normal iron and scraper?
so what do i have to do? im willing to spend the time to learn and what not. also, how old do you usually have to be to work as the shop tech?
thanks. btw, i searchbarred already