so today i went to sunday river and enjoyed a day at the slopes. it was 35 and sunny, kind of icy but whatever. so all day it was a serious gaper fest. mad kids out enjoying the day, and crowded on some runs. so i get into an open run, hop to go switch, get my carve on cuz thats what i do, and then out of nowhere this joey about half my height comes bailing out of nowhere from up slope, no clue how he got so much speed, and runs over the tips of my skis. his helmet clips my side, i barely felt it. kid did though, ate shit, skidded about twenty feet, face first. i kind of skidded out, and look over, and see this kid just laying there. i'm all like, oh fuck, where's his mom to come start bitching at me, but he was alone, and hes all out of breathe. hes got snow packed into each vent on the left side of his helmet. so i stand tha little shit up, tell him whats up, and then i notice he's crying. i told him to stop, and he immediately stop. then he asked me the oddest question i've ever heard. "how long was i out for?" little kid thought he got knocked out, i just started laughing, tell him he crashed into me about 20 seconds ago. the look on his face looked like a lot like the look a girl gives you after you jizz on her face, surprise, mixed with something else. oh yea, jizz. so he gave me a surprised look. but then he was all right, and he skied away.
joey patrol, out.
cliff notes: fuck your cliff notes.