Alas my season is over. Today at PC I over rotated a 5 and caught my inside edge of my right ski at 630 and bent my leg inward. I immediately fell over in pain, sliding down the landing, clutching my knee the whole time. i finally slide to a stop pretty far down the landing but still in the the middle of the run (right after this jump there are two features)
My buddy comes up to me and mentions i probably should get out of the way. I try to stand and put a little weight on my right leg but it just collapses (its a weird feeling). As i continue to lay in the fetal position clutching my knee i noticed that it was starting to get a little crowded around me. A few skiers had stopped and were asking if i was alright?, What hurt? Did you here a pop? etc... Im not really paying that much attention, thinking to my self i really wish my leg would stop throbbing. At this point they ask if they can help me move off the run. A couple of guys help me take my skis off and one gives me a shoulder to lean on and i get to my feet.
I at last take the time to look around and notice that it is not a bunch of concerned gapers helping me out but a crew of jibbers. And the guy whose shoulder i was currently leaning on was none other then Tom Wallisch.
We finally make it to the side and out of peoples way. They ask me if i needed ski patrol and a sled to which i responded with a desperate "probably". With that i give them much thanks and there on their way. For a little ski action as tom zips off he does a steezy 360 nose butter on a gondola box to a 270 on right side pretzel 450 out on a down flat down and i even through the pain i cant help but think "damn that kid is good."
Eventually ski patrol comes and i get my first toboggan ride ( which is pretty fun) down the mountain to the clinic. Where after waiting forever are informed what i had feared, that the ACL in my right leg was completely torn. Fuck.
So in the end i just want to give a shout out to Tom and crew. Thanks for all the help + karma and much love!. As i lay in my bed lortabed out and completely stoned im looking forward to the next ignat as shit edit, because at this point i am going to be getting hyphy off the mountain and living the ski life vicariously through Newschoolers.
Peace all and thanks again
Side Note:
After everybody left and i was waiting for the ski patrol a snowboarder came by and sprayed me!
I got in what i thought was a pretty good "Go fuck yourself" as he rode by. He actually stops further down and starts talking shit asking it i want to fight! keep in mind im off to the side skis off, laying in the fetal position. I yell another fuck you and ignore him, eventually he rides off. But seriously fuck snowboarders.
Sorry if all this is way too long but like i said i now have alot of time on my hands.