naw, cause think about all of the shit that exists that would be entirely fucking useless to somebody running a simulation, like a ratio of 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to one of useless shit to things that matter. And, if they created machines this intellegent, it would most likely go the way of the matrix, machines taking over humans(or whatever creature living in his moms basement playing with us) before humans taking over machines. Plus, I have a feeling that if we were a simulation, a lot more crazy shit would happen. Also, it would take a lot less AI to figure out you are artificial than the ammount to have the complexity of a human. we are talking a mole of terabytes here. and last but not least, we will have long killed eachother by the time we have this kind of technology. actually, that wasn't the last point, another one: why would they wanna watch us watch porn, insead of just watching porn, they are obviously at their computer. In conclusion, Why would Chewbacca, a wookie, wanna live with a bunch of ewoks? it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make any sense. If chewbacca doesn't make sense, you must aquit.