I personally would have worded this poem differently...
The way I've heard it is... "Here I sit broken hearted, tried to shit but only farted, hour later took a chance, cut a fart and shit my pants."
While slight aesthetic differences I feel it enhances the imagery to this poem. Use of the word broken as a hyperbole changes the way we feel about the shit. Lonely hearted implies that you are lonesome without the shit in the toilet, whereas broken hearted implies that you are upset at the lack of shitting. By saying 'hour later' as opposed to 'then one day' gives us a sense of story and time frame. We see this as a struggle rather than a series of random events. I choose the word 'cut' as opposed to 'tried' because farts often accompany shits. It is hard to believe that you were able to shit without some gas emissions involved.
"Readers know a poem when they see it, but poetry does more than exist as a form: poetry portrays and often dramatizes the experience of human emotional life."