I like it, simple and stright to the point, pretty obvious who you are and what your site is about.
People gallery:
I like that the 'people' gallery is the home page, its your strongest gallery, and thats what people see first, I also like that the warrior portrait is the first one as it draws attention.
I would then move whats currently the 3rd photo (thats a self portrait right?) to the second location, because it is (a) a stronger photo, and (b) it lightens up the page, while right now everything is really dark until I scroll through the gallery. This brings me to another aspect I would change. Do yo have more lighter photos? Right now most of your portraits are dark, and then bam I get hit in the face with the boax shot, it just hurts the eyes. Maybe if you could mix in some more lighter shots, and transition from dark to light shots. But mix it up a bit, so its not as black heavy.
also I would drop this shot:
the guy just has a wierd expresion on his face, that really interupts the flow. Also the lighting draws me to his mouth, not his eyes.
possibly drop this shot too:
its just not up there with the rest of your shots in my opinion.
On to the still gallery.
Its hard to have a gallery of only 4 shots. Do you have some more that you could add? I feel like I have seen alot of still photos from you that were really good.
I would move the brush and the can shot, just switch places. The can shot is just really dark, and bland. my eye passes over it really quickly, and my first reaction is underexposed, and its not untill I look at it longer that I start to like it. If it was the last or second to last photo, it would get more 'eye time.'
Snow gallery:
The main message that I get from this gallery is: "I am a good photographer, who likes to ski, but does not shoot snow enough to be really good at it."
There is just not enough there and a few of the images are not really strong, you also have no bangers. This is easily the weakest part of your site, and I am tempted to say either drop it, or strengthen it up. Do you have any other action shots, not necesarrily snow related. If so I would add them to this gallery and call it either 'sports' or 'action' As of now, I would not hire you for a snow or action assignment, based on that gallery.
Also this photo needs to go:
I would add something that says where you are located. Based on your snow photos its europe. but If I was not familiar with the european ski areas and events I would have no idea.
This could be in a seperate 'about me' page. Which I think you should have, just a little something to introduce your self, and talk yourself up.