Okay so a little background. This summer I bought a new pair of 07-08 Line Elizabeths, they were sick skis and i loved riding them, but the third day riding them I dropped a drop to pillow, fucked up and my ski ended up bent... So i sent in the ski for a warranty, however since it was an impact damage, they couldn't give the full warranty, so the shop I bought from sent me a pair of volkl chopsticks. These skis are also really fun to ski. Today though i was skiing through the park and messing around, when I did a 180 on a little roller, landed a little front seat rode away fine but lost one ski. When I finally caught up to the ski, I saw that my entire heel brake assembly thing was torn up... so I go into the shop and they take off the brake and let me use a snowboard leash. well two runs later, i do the exact same thing to the other ski... So, the man upstairs really seems to not want me skiing, but fuck it, i'll be going up this week anyway.
spark notes: I have had a lot of bad luck this season.