Looking for a new pair of skis, hoping you can help me out
I am: 6'0" 180lbs, I live in NYC and ski in NY and VT, with a trip out west every year.
I usually ski 75% all mountain, and 25% in the park. I cruise with mostly boarders and they have so much fun in the park that I needed to get in there myself. I need something that will handle the east coast ice and crud well, yet still be fun in the park. I was looking at the Dynastar Trouble Makers, and the K2 Extreme's. I do not know much about the more park oriented companies such as 4fnt and Armada, so any info on what they provide would be awesome.
Basically I want an all-mountain twin tip ski, something with a waist of around 85mm.
Also, what type of bindings do you guys like?... Most of the carving skis I have been using lately have integrated binding systems, so I need info on bindings as well. Marker griffons? Px12 jib? Let me know what you all think.
Thanks a ton