wtf? bayern 4:0 loss against barca?
ok, first off, i am a huge bayern fan.
but 2 of the goals were freakin unlucky, some feet flying around, NOONE had control, and BOOM, that fucking ball ends up infront of henry or messi, who just have to chip the ball in. 1 goal seemed to be off-side, but i am not too sure, since no slomo showed anything, what a shame, any situation is showed 20 times from various spots, but the goal wasnt analyzed like that.
of course, bayern had to lose that game, they were waaaay too bad. but i just wanna say, that they werent lucky either. their whole defense (lucio, van buyten, lahm) is injured/not available, klose (their best scorer in the CL) is missing too, thats just too much for a "small" player like bayern. its not an excuse for losing like that, but i guess the game couldve ended 1/2:0 WITH the best players available.
and theres one point that really annoys me. barca is a club that would get sold by court order if it was situated in germany because of the financial situation. debts everywhere and theyre still allowed to compete. same with real and partly chelsea (although abramowitsch has enough money anyway to fix it). bayern (and same with most english teams) are doing a great job to stay within their own financial limits. i no, i cant buy myself anything off that, but its important to see the relations.
what i wanna see in soccer is some kind of NFL-salary system. just to prevent this fucked up saudis or russians to buy 20 other clubs and destroy the sport further. and there could be smaller teams benefiting if other teams werent allowed to spend 100 m on one player.