Alright, just throwing this out there in case anyone is interested and techy, otherwise they go to eBay.
I have:
(1) 8GB iPhone (not 3G), was jailbroken and working perfectly, it died and won't charge. I don't know why, but it kinda makes me think the charge port isn't working right.
(1) 30GB, 5th-gen iPod (white), the battery, HD and everything works, but the click wheel and buttons don't...I know the HD is good because I've been using it like a flash drive to store files on, if you know how to fix the buttons, perfect. Also has my name engraved on the back, but you can put a sticker over that no problem.
(1) 30GB, 5th-gen iPod (black), I think the HD is fried on this one, when you turn it on, it starts to boot up, then makes a prety loud "CLICK" sound, and repeats.
(1) 30GB iPod HD (1.8" I believe, with ZIF connection)
This came out of an iPod, totally working...I just replaced it with a Compact Flash card for my brother.
I basically don't have the time or patience right now to get this stuff sorted and working again, so I thought there might be someone here who does.
I'm not setting prices, so PM me and we can talk if you're interested in something.