Best Colleges for skiing
Indulge your passion for skiing and get a quality education at the same time.
Many colleges in the United States and Canada have ski teams and competitive skiing. Not all of them fit our Ski School criteria: close to the slopes. Be sure to check out ski teams and competition skiing. Obviously, the two categories overlap.
There are plenty of Ski Schools within a two hour drive to the slopes. Our list follows, but if you have other suggestions, please use our Contact Us Form to let us know, so we can check it out and include your school on our list.
University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Northern Arizona University - Flagstaff
Adams State College - Alamosa, Colorado
Colorado College - Colorado Springs
Colorado Mountain College (2 year, multiple campuses, dorms)
Colorado School of Mines -Golden
University of Colorado - Boulder
University of Colorado - Colorado Springs
United States Air Force Academy - Near Colorado Springs
Fort Lewis College - Durango, Colorado
Western State College of Colorado - Gunnison
University of Colorado - Denver
The University of Denver
University of Idaho - Moscow
Colby College -Watertown, Maine
University of Maine, Presque Isle
Michigan Technological University - Houghton
Montana State University - Bozeman
Carroll College - Helena, Montana
University of Montana - Montana Tech, Butte
University of Montana - Missoula
The University of Montana - Western, Dillon
A Ski School Heavan: Sierra Nevada College - Incline Village, Nevada
Morrison University-Reno, Nevada
University of Nevada - Reno
University of New Hampshire- Durham
College of Sante Fe- New Mexico
St. John's College - Sante Fe
University of New Mexico - Albuquerque
Juniata College - Huntington, Pennsylvania
Paul Smith's College of Arts and Sciences - Paul Smiths, New York
St. Lawrence University - Canton, New York
University of Utah - Salt Lake
Westminster College - Salt Lake City, Utah
Champlain College - Burlington, Vermont
College of St. Joseph - Rutland, Vermont
Middlebury College
Saint Michael's College - Colchester, Vermont
University of Vermont
University of Washington - Seattle