Replying to We need to change comp judging
This has been said several times before, but again, the Dew Tour final was scored erratically. Not as bad as Aspen was, but it was still a little crazy, PK did back to back 12s, he ended up in 6th WTF? Tom for sure deserved the win with back to back left and right tens but the point is, there needs to be a set was to judge events.
People say that making a formula for scoring comps will do to park skiing what it did to bump skiing, make it unfamiliar to the general public. I don't really think that is that big of a deal, and I think a universal scoring template is needed for comps. Just make it with a set score for a trick, then add points for style, subtract points for shakiness and stuff, then make another category for total impression of run(essentially the score they are giving out now.)
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