I was having a conversation with a Christian friend and we started talking about curse words. Before I go on I would like to say that I swear too much, but never in front of adults. My side of the argument is that it is against God's word because it is not pleasing to him. Someone is always watching us Christians, to find faults in the religion, to find truths, and just to see why it is different than that of other religions. I believe that leading by example is the best way to witness. My friends argument is that God never said
they, being fuck, shit, ass, bitch, etc., are bad. I agree he never said they were not bad, but because society has marked these words as being offensive, Christians should not use them. "Screw society", he said, "I don't believe they are bad, they are just synonyms for other words, so they arn't bad."
I believe that you should always be living in a godly mannor when at all possible. Do I live like that? No, none of us can, but we have to try our best. If you believe that than cussing is wrong. Not because God actually said it was, but because society said it was. If someone hears you say shit than they are going to think to themselves "they must not be a true Christian, so I shouldn't waste my timewith that crap." In reality you are a true Christian, you just arn't showing it, therefore you arn't showing the way to the one and only God.
Thats just my perspective of the issue. Anyone else care to share theirs?