So i have this new puppy, Yorkshire Terrrier/bochon mix (i didnt pick him).. he is 5 months old now, and i am now willing to admit, i think my dog is gay. My friend has the same type male dog, and she brought him over earlier this week for a 'playdate'. Things were alright at first when they were chasing eachother and playing, but then i realized that only my dog was doing the chasing, and the playing was actually a defense mechanism by my friends dog. I curiously watched what was happening, and wondered why her dog was trying to ward him off. Fast Forward 15 minutes, and to my utter horror, i watch my cute innocent 6 pound pup mount his new 'friend', and start thrusting his hips. It all happened so fast, and as quickly as i could react, i dove for my dog yelling. It was kind of like in the movies where someone drops something important, and a bystander dives to catch it in slow motion, and there voice sounds like "nyyyyoooooowooooaaaaaaaaahhhhhh".
so i ripped my dog away from his companion, and looked at his underside to see a redrocket peepin at me. I was furious, so i locked him in his cage, and sent my friend home. This past week i have gone through such a rollercoaster of emotions. From sobbing uncontrollably, to throwing fists at my wall, to trying to convince myself "hey hes only a dog, its not so bad". but the fact of the matter is, it is so bad. Its just like that moment every parent dreads, when there son who seemed to have a strange fascination with show choir and penny loafers growing up, comes home and tells you he is a flaming homo who actually enjoys watching
If anyone has any wise words about a dogs sexuality that could cheer me up, or convince me that i do not have a clay aiken of dogs, i am more than willing to hear. thanks.