Here I was on saturday up at Mary Jane CO in Parsons for those of you who know where that is. I am cruising along strait lining a section of pow pow. However, It was snowing outside with no contrast so everything was white. All of a sudden I hit a 8 or so foot drop off lip combo and launch into the air. I tried to control myself but landed back seat and tumbled a bit. Nothing but my knee hurt. So fast forward to that night, (continued a good days worth of skiing) I am sitting at my friend's place in winter park and have major chest pains. Think nothing of it, decide sleep will be the best thing and lay flat on my face and fall asleep. Next morning I am feeling pretty well, start to eat and still feel a little pain in my chest. W/e 5 inches fresh and I wanted to ski. First lift up was fine the second one however was not so much fun. Half way through the lift I can't catch my breath, major chest pains, a little blood in my spit. Not good signs, go down to the rental shop and fall/sit on the bench while someone gets ski patrol. Nice ski patrol lady comes with Jr. ski patroller give air etc. I get packaged up in the orange ski patrol sled thing right in front of the main lift at MJ quite embarrassing. They thought I was having a heart attack, except I'm 18 they're puzzled and thought I had a blood clot.
After an ambulance ride down to Denver from WP, and a couple xrays and ct scans later they discovered I had ruptured a hole in my esophagus. The fuck? I can't just break an arm or something normal, dislocate my already dislocated shoulder? Course' not. I spent Sunday through Wed. In the Multi Trauma Unit, couldn't swallow anything including water for Sunday, Monday. Then jello and beef broth on tuesday and Wednesday. I have a pick in my arm (a IV that goes from my left bicept area to the top of my heart) and have to go in for IV's errrday. And more bruises from pokes and shit than you can imagine. Especially that dumb bitch who missed my vein and scraped the needle against my bone, that shit hurts.(She continued on to contaminate my blood some how and they had to come back up and re stick me.) Lost 6 pounds in 5 days shit sucks, I'm already lanky. Here I sit pounding Tea and eating fucking cream of wheat, maybe tomorrow eggs haha.
moral: Don't rupture the esophagus.
Sparknotes: Read, it'll do you some good.