(cliff notes at end) So today me and a friend were up hitin the slopes, and some lovely ladies come along and follow us and shit so after a while, we just go and talk to them see wats up and all, and at first we thought they might be in 7th grade or somthin but we findout and they are softmores and so we just lie( because we are in 8th) and say were 9th and they seem cool with that and all. So I just need some advise on what to do cause were gona meet them tomorow at the hills, should we say were 9th or 8th or what, and i can easly pull off being older, im taller then bolth of the girls. So yes any advise is good. thanks.
cliff notes:met some girls that are a couple grades higher then us and they want to hook up with us and who knows, what should we say and do.?