this title says it all. and i wanna know what happened its really wierd
k so i woke up at around 6:55(my alarm went off) and i sat up out of bed. and i tryed to swall ow my spit and you know when its really dry and it hurts ur mouth well it was like that. and then all the sudden i just puked. so i was puking about 3 times in my garbage and then my nose was running like mad. so when it all calmed down i went back into my bed...
at like 12:30 i got up and went down stair and watched tv for a bit. i was feeling so shitty like i was goig to puke again. and then all the sudden i stopped feeling sick. like litterly it just stopped. the wierdist thing ever. and how i feel fine. like it was soo wierd and i dont get it at all.
does anyone know what happened maybe cuz iv never had anything like this happen before.
thanks ns