let me preface by saying im a politics major at a canadian university.
anyways. the stimulus package has a lot of people talking about how much better the electric car is for the environment than the current petroleum based automotives.
what is seldom talked about is the next step of this, the massive increase in electricity demands which can only be met at this current time by the united states with the dirtiest of all powers, coal. The USA has been slow to build nuclear reactors to the same proportions as canada or other nations.
Energy is made in the combustion engine of a car to move the car, making that energy with coal, a very dirty power source. is just as bad for the environment as the car itself.
Not to mention the added drain on the transmission lines will require upgrades.
I guess this might be disorganized but it bothers me how environmentalists tend to be one step thinkers, and dont ever explore the after effects of their decisions, I get that ideas need to be created and floated but real solutions need to be explored,