so i went a month ago to hit the big air bag and it was closed due to cold temps. wtf windhm
i went today and i almost shat myself when i was doin all the waiver bs and the starter guy said no inverts. wtf? why have an air bag i the first place? answer: most of the money they make off it is from gapers that have never hit a real jump and want to get air.
click on 2-17-09 and check the album named 22 air bag. im the first pic, just about to land on the bag on a cork 7 i think, then check out the rest of the album. gaper after gaper landing on their heads
i saw a few skiers doin underflips and rodeos so i was like fuck it ill do inverts so i tried a rodeo and then did a back and when i got up to the top the next time, the starter said i couldnt hit it anymore. my friend who went after my backflip run said that some gaper ski instructor said "hey i thought inverts werent allowed" to the starter. what a douschebag. so i argued wit the starter because it was gay and there were mad gapers doing backflips by accident and landing on their head, while im in control during the air doin a backflip purposely.
is anyone on here one of the invited riders for the air bag comp on saturday night?