Paypal preferred
Prices very flexible
Buyer pays shipping (could consider compromising or splitting)
ONLY Specific Trades:
fks 155 or 185
invader 178
crowbar frame/strap/outrigger setup (No lense)
SKIS--$100 each (Come with fresh wax)
(from right to left)
Some of the condition of the skis have changed from the previous thread. Im not lying, i've just done work on the skis, such as the scratch fs's
Salomon Dumont's 176 -- base good condition w/ some ptex. edge cracks/damage
$180 w/ STH 12's
Rossi Scratch fs 180 -- fresh ptex and base grind. NO edge cracks
$200 w/ pivot 14 unmounted
Rossi Scratch BC wrs 171 -- base excellent - 1 ptex spot smaller than quarter. 2.5 inch segment of edge missing
$220 w/ pivot mounted
XL Airblaster Hibernator Jacket $170 NEW w/ tags (normally $290) -- 20k waterproofing. Mint color. manufacturing tears in wrist gators. warranty-able but airblaster doesn't have a replacement in stock.
STH 12's $100 -- less than a year old. very good condition
Look Pivot 14 $135 (semi feeler -- pm me)
Smith Prodigy's w/ sensory mirror $40 -- Good Condtion. closest thing to damage is dust