im starting to wonder if this is a good idea. little kids go in the terrain park all the time and:
1. get in my way
2. get in other peoples way
3. climb up faces of jumps creating ruts and deadening the lip
4. sometimes, getting hit and injured, or get hurt on the features from lack of experience
i think that there should definitely be one at gore mountain in upstate ny. i went up yesterday hoping to ski some park for once. i was very surprised with the amount of people that waited and called their drops,but then there was A LOT of little kids that really got in the way. they just ski around aimlessly and their parents encourage it. there was a line of jumps in the upper sleighride park that i like to spin. i got to the second one and spun for a 3 mute. i got to like a 240 and saw a little kid getting closer and closer to me from the right. so to prevent a collision, i whipped my skis around as fast as i could, coming like 3 inches from gashing a hole in his face, and possibly fucking me up too.
no disrespect to short shredders, but something has to be done. i know a little man named linus thats 8 and throws down, and im sure there are other kids out there like him. terrin park flow has to be controlled somehow, ESPECIALLY at gore, before a kid gets seriously injured or killed.