Best movie ever made and deserves yet another thread to however many threads it has had on the internet. This movie is worthy of a stupid thread without content. It's not like I just recently discovered this movie, I just watched it for the thousanth time and I'm still in the trance this movie puts on me each time I view it.
If you haven't seen Shawshank Redemption stop whatever it is you are doing, stop banging those asian triplets, take a day off from a 50 inch powder day, I don't give a fuck what, go get your hands on a copy right now. There is no argument that you could be doing something better than watching this movie (for the first time). It is the most relevant movie visually, story wise, sound design, and emotionally to be compared to whatever you want.
If you think this movie is overrated or bad I have every right to think that you are not a real human being.
This is the dumbest thread to date on this site but possibly has the potential to become a huge wake up call to people that are somehow missing out (I hope there is no one out there...).
Goodbye site/thread that I will probably never visit for a long time.