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I'm trying to do an assignment for Eng 320 right now (The History of the English Language) and I think I'd rather cut off my writing hand than finish 10 questions like this (the blanks are special archaic characters that NS does not support):
1. (3 points) For each set, identify all the grammatical forms and then discuss the
morphological changes from Old English to Middle English. Be sure to note the dialect
distribution of the forms, where relevant.
a. OE hī wrītað
ME thai wrītes, thai wrīte(n), hī wrīteth
b. OE hēo wrīteð
ME schō wrītes, schē wrīteth/writes, he wrīteth
c. OE bōc/bēc, nama/naman, land/land, cealf/cealfru
ME book/bookes, name/names, namen, land/landes, calf/calvren, calvres
d. OE se hǣþena mann, sēo hǣþene hlæfdige, þæt hǣþene bearn
ME the hethen man, the hethen lady, the hethen bairn
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