so red bulls having a huge get together of all there winter sports athletes in silverton for some shredding. im not shure the date, but its pretty soon. Shawn Whites already up there, they built him a super pipe to practice for the olimpics.
taken from wikipedia:
During February 2009, Red Bull started to build Shaun White a "secret" halfpipe in the back country. On the backside of Silverton Mountain Colorado, Red Bull
brought in Snow Cats, and Pipe Augers to build the half pipe completely
out of natural snow on one of the back country trails at Silverton. The
project is completely visible from the ski area and the heavy machinery
can be heard through the National Forest.
suposibly there building like a 80 or 90 foot jump up over the train. its gonna be ill.
im gonna get some pics up of it if it happens