Often when we (the public) think about foreign policy it is closed off
to us as a subset of gov that we are incapable of grasping, whether it
be because we think it is too complex, or we think "why should we get
involved in other people's business?" or that we don't understand/care
how it affects us. But then we wonder why people in other parts of the
world think we are ignorant to these issues. Is it that we don't care?
don't know? i don't think so, b/c we automatically pay attention to
issues that directly affect us. So the problem isn't failure to
understand other people/countries, etc. But its the, ok not failure.
relative incompetence lets say, to acknowledge how these issues affect
us. If we want to keep up in a world that is undeniably globalizing,
and just for the sake of proper citizenship, we (the people) have to
make better progress in understanding our countries foreign policy, and
make better use of our rights to voice opinions and discuss. We don't
elect leaders to make decisions for us, or at least that isn't what we
should be thinking when we go to the polls, we elect them b/c
representative government is more efficient. But if we want change or
better understanding of something it has got to start with us. Im not
going to make this a thread about Barack Obama, and i request that you
respect that, but im just going to use him as an example for something.
This whole transparency thing that he's doing, transparency in
government is a great idea. Not only does it look good for him b/c he
looks more engaged in affairs and not behind the scenes and all that.
But for us, the public. Makes issues more current, more relavent in our
day. So thats good eh? we seem to be becoming more attentive to this.
even in about the 10 days he's been president, ok great, transparency,
big deal. But think about it, a few more months of this and we are
creating a more globally literate public instead of making all of these
foundations and programs that very little people would go to, etc, you
know what i mean, this is more efficient, b/c we're using the news as a
good medium cuz obviously thers a wider audiance.
Im in highschool, and im lucky that i go away every summer to visit
turkey, i'm exposed to a different culture, yea thats cool i guess. But
what about kids/people who dont have the chance to do that. Stuff like
Model UN is great. I'm not trying to sound like your guidance counselor
or anything trying to get you to do this stuff, but im just trying to
convey that this kind of stuff is important if we are to achieve what
was said in the 1st paragraph.
I went to a dinner of the American Committee on Foreign Relations
tonight, a guy named Kenton Keith, former U.S ambassador to Qatar was
talking about how to better use diplomacy as a tool, and it kind of led
to this in my mind when i was thinking about it.
Isn't it true that if you understand/care about cultures you will begin
to make connections with them, and perhaps more importantly acknowledge
the differences and learn interesting things? won't understanding lead
to respect? won't this lead to solving problems? this doesn't/shouldn't
seem to be a revolutionary idea, i mean we can all kind of realize how
understanding leads to respect and all that fluff. So why don't we do
it? i mean come on someone needs to reach out. maybe politicians don't
know that we are able to do this. so what the hell lets do something i
mean we aren't incapable. There are people like you,
for those of you thinking that you're just one person, you can't do it
on your own, etc. do research my friends! ask around! I mean when you
dont know what is going on, policies are going to be made on out behalf
whether we like it or not, thats how our government is set up. But
obviously the more say we have in it the better. and certainly the more
the policies reflect the beleifs of the people the better the true
ideals of this country is conveyed to another. This brings about change
in the people, which is more important than change in the government.
It is more important to know about the people of another country than
about their government. and vice versa, b/c government (should) reflect
the views of the people. So when another country has some bad policy
towards us, we say oh ______ians are a bunch of jerks. No they're not,
b/c first of all naturally without any stimulus no human wishes bad on
another random person/people across the ocean. Our views of others are
unfortunately clouded by misinterpretations of their governments. and
so the same goes for us. I am not bashing gov. by any means, im not
anti-establishment, or anarchist or anything. In fact im saying/trying
to say that we should have a greater understanding of others, more
participation in these kinds of activities programs. i mean there's a
ton of them. I as a citizen would rather have a more understanding,
cultured, and willing to solve problemness country than have the best
political philosophers/plan out every scenario of foreign affairs
possible. cuz obviously it doesn't make sense to come up with a policy
on something that is always changing/hasen't even happened yet. Plus
naturally we want to stick with that to look strong/firm etc, which can
lead to ignorance in policy making which doesn't really set the mood if
we want countries to look over/reform their policies as well. So i mean
it has to start with the people, the gov would say no we wont change
that, or, no we wont do that. But if we the public think, hey that's
not a bad idea, or hey i wouldnt mind that if it got this issue solved,
then it can happen. Honestly im confident that we as a people, or those
who take what i've written the right way, can make a difference, and
make it happen.