I've noticed an influx of kids coming on NS and tearing apart some of the most legit skier's out there for wearing tall tees and acting thug.
First Off, There not really acting thug. There acting like there having fun. They like rap music, that doesnt make them thug. I like phish, and I dont have dreads and wear tye dye all the time. But back to them, theres a rap culture that anyone can subscribe to no matter what color your skin or where you from.
I see kids trying to act cool trying to hate on Henrik, Tom Etc saying there fake and shit, well first off they slay harder than you ever will. Which makes them pretty damn legit in my book, sure they like wearing big tees and adding a little dance to there style. I dont know how thats THUG though thats there style.
Also, we are skiers and we are all shaping our sport, and last I checked our sport is called Freeskiing, FREE being the keyword there. You know what these guys have in commmon with Rappers and nasty guys from the hood. They got style man. When there on skis there showing style and flow, just like some guy on a street corner throwing down rhymes with style and flow. So I say go ahead and wear tall tees and do what ya gotta do. These guys are for real, sure we might be far from the hood, although its not as far as you'd think.
So I'd have to say in conclusion, I'm pretty sick of kids acting like stuck up white rich kids ( oh wait ) and let these VERY Good Skilled Skiers do there thing.
if you dont like it look away, but none of you have the skill to back yourselves up, so dont call them up. I'm sick of reading this shit.