The day started off with me and my friend going to Hockley valley, because our school had a extra day off from exams because of a snow day last week. To start off, hockley was filled with the most gapers I have ever seen in my life. There were about 6 white people there in total including us. There were 4 school trips there today, and boy, did we see everything. Epic rental ski/ no pole steeze. Hockey helmets, sunglasses, and the most facial on girls ive seen in a while. The lines were fine, most of them most of them were on the bunny hill, and no school groups were allowed in the park. All of the park too areselves. We both landed a bunch of new tricks, like 270's on and off, 540 on lock for my friend. I landed a few whirly birds and tried out some new grabs, aswell as my friend, not bad, not bad. To top it off, the gapers left around 2 hours before closed = no waiting time. Also had a nice conversation with a rent-a-cop.
First off he yells at me for being in the singles when im with a school.
Him: Your not supposed to be in the singles line with a school group.
Me: Im not with the fucking school
Him: Well you cut off the two girls that were supossed to come on with us
Me: There werent even going to go...
Him: Well its not nice...
Me *under my breath*: Get a hair cut
*Akward silence for the rest of the ride up*
* Start to lift the bar about 5 feet before where you supposed too*
Him: Hey! dont lift the bar now
Me: Why? so we dont fall 5 feet into powder because your a dumbass?
Too top it off, me and my friend seshed this sick box in a forest for a bit, before coming home, only too five star Won't Get Fooled Again, expert drums, 287, 525, 95%
Epic Day?