So yeah, I played WoW off and on for like 3 years now. Have "quit" like 5 times i think, always to come back in boredom. I quit before my freshman (last semester) year and made it 7 weeks until i renewed the account(right when WOTLK came out). I went to the midnight release and got to 80 in about a week. Pathetic, I know. Ran some shit and it's an 80 mage with decent epics/blues perfect for running Naxx and shit. He's got epic flyer and both the red and bronze drake. I cancelled the account before this semester started and don't want to come back, so I will literally trade this account with an 80 mage, 72 or 73 pally dont remember. and probably like 20 other characters including a piece of shit 70 shaman and some twinks and stuff. skiing gear of any kind would be awesome, along with just about anything else that would be useful for a college student. lets make this shit fun.