avoid getting in trouble/cops? i dont know dont cause a ruckus
tips for making the lip? make it a mellow but reliable lip. long and mellow is better than short and high/kicky. for real urban, you need to rely more on your pop than the lip. get your skis up there!
how to absorb kinks? its really hard to relax on your first rail if it is a sketchy/intense one. but you need to relax and let your knees suck up the kinks while you focus on the end of the rail. be especially careful if the rail has a donkeydick.
avoid fuckin urself up? stay committed, there is no room for half-assing or pussying out at the last minute. you need to focus and make sure you get enough pop onto the rail and you dont slide off. if you are intimidated, leave the snow on the stairs, but dont expect legit photos if you dont shovel them.
run in ideas? (im thinking fill in the stairs with snow and hit the last down of a dfd for my first one)
tricks that are easy/hard on handrails compared to normail rails?put snow on it...dont make it too short like i did on my first urban...it was like dropin straight into the lip lol...