we developed a technique called the bear when tp had ran out, newspapers weren't around (you do however get the ink on your ass from this) and baby whipes were lacking.
the basics are you shit, you jump in the shower, you use your hand as toilet paper. rinse and repeat.
at a rugby club social (think american jock fest) we have these buckets called bunder bins about the size of a wheelie bin. there were designated for being sick in and there were about 6 of then usually.
so through months of heavy uni drinking we had found out that chewing gum helps you not chunder (good tip there) so after seeing off my god knows what number pint of snakebite (beer, cider, and squash) i was being sick when i saw my chewing gum fall out of my mouth and into a full bunder bin. in my drunken state i decided that it was worth rescuing so i delved my hand into the bid, felt around a bit, recovered my chewing gum and chucked in straight in my mouth = ) on this momentous night (it was a special social) i had also found the idea of walking to the toilet too arduous so i consiously stood there and pissed myself. i think i hooked up with a girl that night too.
along the same lines i was on a stool seeing off a jug (4 pints) where to rule is if you are sick someone will catch you sick in a pint glass and give you to option of wearing it or drinking it. i chose the later.
one more bro story.
i had gone back to this girls place in halls and after doing the dirty she left the room for a reason i can't remember. i really needed a piss and unwilling to walk around a strange place naked i decided to piss down the side of her bed. after this i thought it was time to leave before she returned so as it was cold out i also stole her bed sheets to wrap up in.
bring on the bro hate.