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and btw you just blew my mind lolz
answer this question. did hitler have a dog? and if it did, which did he choose. food or love?
solution: animals dont comit mass genocide in the name of territory.
this thread is over.
................. meteor
are we striving to find out why we are different though? or are we just accepting that we are and striving to figure out how build bigger and better anthills or whathaveyou.
we arnt parking in your noggin
Its true. The idea of a parking garage really isn't sustainable. We are natural, but in the way that a locust hive is natural. It consumes relentlessly until the resources are gone, and then the herd is killed off to a level that the food supply can sustain the population. We humans are no different than say, a deer herd or a wolf pack in that sense. It may make sense as to why there is poverty in this world. We are above our natural carrying capacity as a species. Like, way above it. Yet, we have big brains, so we figured out that if some of us devote our energy solely to making a shit load of food, then we can all eat, if we can pay to buy food. In a more basic time, we would all grow our own food and hunt. The problem is, that all the land is owned, not enough of it is agricultural, and all the game is dead and has been replaced by human development. So we can't go back to our basic ways of hunting and agriculture to fend for ourselves. This makes us dependent on the system in a way that keeps us from being able to exit our roles as say "US citizen." independence from laws, jurisdictions, and taxes is no longer possible.
But back to the ant hill bit, Lets say ants were as big as us, and instead of pine needles and twigs they used mountains and trees to build their hills. I mean its not so far off as to what we do is it?
I think that we will continue to suffer massive population growth and inevitable decline until we find a balance. I mean I guess you could say that, nature doesn't really care what we do, we can follow the rules or not follow them, it will only benefit or harm ourselves as a species in the end.