I went to momentum last summer and it was one hell of a time. I haven't ridden at COC but imagine it would be great.
The off hill stuff was amazing, soooo much good food, and living in whistler village for a week is just amazing.
As for the park, it was pretty good (keep in mind I'm biased because Whistler is one of my home mountains in the winter too), but it wasn't groomed and upkept like I imagined it. Obviously the melting snow makes a challenge, and so does the steep slope, but things got in pretty bad condition pretty quick.
Also keep in mind I suck and don't hit the huge jumps. I went there to learn, because I don't get up nearly as much as I would like. The coaches were sick, and I learned a good amount. Definitely not as much as I had hoped though.
Like everyone else said, the park at COC made me drool when I saw it from the lodge. It looked amazing, and the tent thing and pimped out housing looked dope too. I was kinda envious of the COC people to tell the truth. Plus the NS office was there too, so we had to trek out there anyways. I don't really know about coaching, but for me the best thing is seeing people who are stoked lead by example. I always learn that way, and I think COC would be good for that.
The downside is that wherever you go and mention that you ride COC, you would get funny looks...
If I did summer camp again, I'd definitely try COC just for a non-biased opinion.