I don't know if this has been requested or discussed previously and if it has I apologize for bringing it up, BUT is there anyway the Buy/Sell/Trade forum could have sub categories inside of it?
Such as Goggles, Pants, Jacket, Etc.... So that in the event that someone is looking for threads advertising those items they can be found much easier and with far less time spent wading through milions of crap sales to find anything interesting or on topic to purchase.
I realize that this isn't a site built for buying and selling, and that there are sites like ebay that I could go to that provide the exact things I am requesting here, BUT I like the people here better, I like the deals here better, and I'm dealing with some loser that is trying to screw me over on Ebay right now and thus have been turned toward this site even more....
I just figure if I feel this way about this part of the site... just maybe, somebody else will too. just a thought...
let me know.