Replying to Panorama Park Updates
Hi folks - I'm making this thread to keep everyone updated on the terrain park situation at Panorama in SE BC. I'm posting in Calgary/Banff as we tend to get most of our visitors from Alberta, and this forum gets more traffic than the interior.
My name's Ian and I'm the park supervisor at Panorama. The mountain's putting a much greater emphasis on the park this season, and it's been moved to the main run (Showoff), right underneath the Mile 1 chairlift. It's visible directly from the base, and it's a sick location! We're sinking more money into it (this is the first year with paid staff maintaining the park) and we've got a lot of enthusiastic people looking to keep the features fresh and the gapers off the tabletops. We groom every night, and the features are all touched up and marked regularly.
We've got two parks in total - the main Showoff park (M-XL features) and a small terrain park on an adjacent run. I'll give a rundown on the features in each park so far:
4 XL tables (closed until we get signs printed for them - should be very soon)
5 L tables
2 M tables
1 S table
1 L step-up
Plenty of little rollers for butters
Angled sides on some of the tables, almost as good as a proper hip - we'll be looking to build one later
1 flat box
1 flat-down box
1 flat-down-flat box
1 C box
1 S box (closed due to maintenance)
1 battleship box
1 wave box
1 40ft rail
1 flat-down-flat rail on a steep pitch (this thing is gnarly)
Small park:-
3 S jumps
1 flat box (roughly 3 inches off the snow, great for practicing switch-ups)
Still to be placed in the parks:
1 rainbow box
1 15ft rail
Wall ride - although we may pull this apart and use the plastic for a butter / dancefloor
A couple of other boxes which escape me at the moment
The good news - the entirety of the paid crew are skiers, so we'll be building a skier's park. I'm going to try and get some photos up soon to give an idea of our current layout, and I'm really looking to raise awareness with this thread. I don't think Pano is really thought of as a park skier's mountain, and we'd like to change that perception while we have the opportunity. The more people we get in the park, hitting the features and enjoying it, the more likely we are to have a bigger and better park for next season!
If anyone's got questions or suggestions, feel free to post them up, I'm open to anything within the limits of our facilities, what I can persuade my manager to approve, and the amount of snow on the run. :)
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