I need some help here guys, I am running Win98SE on my box, and I use Earthlink Dialup, well, i discovered this morning that I cant dialup anymore, using any program... It gets to either the point where it says checking Username and password, or it says it connects fully, but in reality, i cant access anything, i open explorer and I get the message that it cant find the webpage, i cant log onto AIM...
I tryed reinstalling my modem , and the TCP/IP protocol... I reinstalled the Earthlink software, and everything. I don't know whats wrong. The only thing that could have caused ANYTHING was that last nihgt I ran Ad-Aware, and got rid of some spyware...
I really need help here, because I have a lot of work that NEEDS to be done, and can only be done on that computer, please dont spam and post, im sorry bro, or anything, only respond if its helpful....
One otherthing, reformat, and reinstall win98se are NOT an option because i do not have the disc anymore, my dad lent it out to a friend and never got it back...
Thank you so much...
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