LittleFost from Feb 28 2009 9:46:33:
I think that the reason Sammy is viewed as a dick by some people is because he assumes authority that is not rightly fully his (aka power-tripping)For instance: there are security personel at the dew tour guarding the start gate so that spectators are not allowed inside to disturb athletes and media, and sammy thinks he has the authority to over-rule that. And don't get me wrong, I think that athletes should be treatment with the ut-most respect, but not if there dis-respecting like sammy did to those guys in the mt snow jackets. Because that puts a bad name out for our sport because just how you guys are giving him props for that, the mount snow guys are probably talking shit to all their homies about it, which is counter-productive for the future of competitions because athlets are pissing off the people who are helping put on our events
Hate to say it, big sammy fan, but i gotta agree^^^