"Ive been out on my alpha 1s for a few days now. Heres what I can tell you. They are stiffer all around than the pipe cleaner in both the tip and tail... although more so in the tip. They have a lot of camber under foot and very very little rocker in the tip and tail. They are not that good for buttering. The shape in the tip and tail as well as the rocker helps mainly with keeping the skis from hooking when you carv off of lips and stuff like that. they skis hold and edge as good if not better than anything that I have skied in a long time and they are fast as hell. They pipe at my resort isnt open yet so I cant speak to that but I can tell you that as far as holding and edge, swing weight and speed are concerned... there is nothing keeping this from being a very good pipe ski. I understand the argument about the rocker not being conducive to pipe skiing... but i really dont think this is gong to hurt the ski that bad... the rocker is so small, and everything else about the ski is so good for pipe that I just cant see it being bad for pipe."
that was from this thread.