So anyone that remembers my thread from a couple weeks ago knows my story so far. If you don't just look it up.
Anyways. Here's some new news that has hella pissed me off. Just needed to vent.
So I'm stoked on going to Whistler school and I'm all ready to transfer. I just need to finish my courses and I'm out of here. I'll be in Whis with my friends, closer to the mountains and away from this small town bullshit and my ex girlfriend and all that hassle.
Well, today I over hear her in class (speaking extra loud so she knows I'm listening, as usual). She is saying all this shit. 'I hate this town and it's stupid rumours. I want to make new friends and get in a new place. I think I'm going to go to Whistler school next semester.'
ARRRRRRGGGGGGG!!!!! Th most annoying thing ever. I'm trying to get away from her!! And now she wants to invade the school I'm going to. I can't even begin to imagine what she'll do to my reputation there. I've been trying to find a place to make a new start, and now she's ruining that too! She's invading my life!!!
President of the LBK