On the last run of the day (i know i know) we were back in pick and for some reason i decided to hit the jumps. On the last booter which is about a 30 foot table i speeded checked a little because the sun had set and it looked icy and fast, bad idea i cased it as hard as you can. I rode away but the had the wind knocked out of me and my leg was feeling funny. Since i was still standing i didn't think to much about it and headed to the car.
Through the whole drive home my leg wasn't bothering me at all but as soon i got out of the car the leg gave out and i fell the ground in pain. For the past two days it has hurt to walk but it has gotten better to the point where i can walk with out noticing the pain very much,
my question is should i be worried about some doing some serious damage if i keep skiing on it hard or did i just tweak it really bad and be good as new in a couple days and not have to worry bout it