Birthday party#1: Pimpin' Frogz premiere of Reality and some time at the #5 orange, one of vancity's dirties strip clubs.
Party #2: Steamworks brewery, 151, beer, 151, tequila, beer, 151, then off to the cambie, with more 151, a shitload of beer, Red Bull&Jag, and Red Bull and beer, then puked about 14 times and had a homeless guy ask me if I was ok
Party #3: Made an ass of myself at the Poorboyz premiere, after consuming half a 26er of vodka with some Red Bull. Then, went to my school pub, drank until they stopped serving us, busted out my own alcohol, drank that, puked, got kicked out, and now I'm banned.
It was outta hand.
'lets all go to hell for having sex!' Lateralis
'jib_this why are you such an ass? all your posts are dissing someone els (sic)' Krongos
'I can't type, I've been drinking' Nolan
Whistler Sucks