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best run in whistler-blackcomb
Posts: 355
Karma: 10
i'm heading over there for winter break and i was wondering what the sickest steep untracked runs are.
Posts: 863
Karma: 11
If we told you they wouldnt be untracked when we wanted to ski them would they.
Posts: 1937
Karma: 14
steepest untracked hey? Well you gotta stand in line for a while, waiting, waiting, waiting...and then it opens, and oh the tourists ski straight down under the chair, leaving the locals the sweet spots. Just look on your way up the chair man.
Posts: 761
Karma: 14
on a good day you're only gonna get a couple runs of untracked stuff...then you must hike, or know where to go. And I don't think any local will tell you their secret stashes (everyone has their favourite spots). If you're only coming for a vacation, there will be plenty to keep ya busy. Spanky's Ladder on Blackcomb...the Peak on Whistler. Lots of steep shit in there.
The troll stole my Santa!
Posts: 9939
Karma: 15
i hate having to learn a new mountain. i know crystal pretty fucking well but now im all whistler-newb style like any tourist... how bout someone edutates me?
Silly Rabbits. Pink is for cheese! –stevexs2
you bettter still have my jagermeister shirt, or I'll fucking drive a train through your anus. – jibtech
numbers are for jewish investment bankers - sleezemcfly
Somedays I like it crunchy, other days I take it up the ass! - Lanemeyers
Looting, it's the new way to buy stuff! - Jib_This
Posts: 8272
Karma: 9
All the sick runs are off magic chair.
'lets all go to hell for having sex!' Lateralis
'jib_this why are you such an ass? all your posts are dissing someone els (sic)' Krongos
'I can't type, I've been drinking' Nolan
Whistler Sucks
Posts: 1937
Karma: 14
On powder days head straight to the Magic Chair on Blackcomb (as he said) and on Whistler head straight to the black chair. Oh, or the blue chair. Those are both gems.
Posts: 7883
Karma: 17
the glacier bowl is sick... n on a nice day if theres enough snow the blowhole would be good
Posts: 618
Karma: 10
My advice is to head to any of the alpine lifts, and talk to folks in the lift line. When you find some folks that know where they are going, ask to ski along. No one is going to tell you where to go, but lots of folks will show you and take you along.
Posts: 108
Karma: 11
blowhole is called blow hole because it blows, and on exceptionaly bad days, it blows hole.
There's more good stuff on both mountains than you'll be able to ski even in a whole season. Best thing to do is find your own spots, go where the majority of people arent going, traverse traverse traverse.
Posts: 1937
Karma: 14
Exhiliration is a good run. Good drop in, good pitch, usually sparsly tracked, short hike.
Posts: 131
Karma: 10
I rode DOA last time I was in Whistler and that was pretty fun.
'Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms should be the name of a store, not a government agency.'
Posts: 1869
Karma: 32
take harmony chair, about 2/3rds of the way up look to your left, there should be a large amount of cornices for you to jump off. It's fun and can keep you entertained for quite a while.
you can't spell sick without ck
Posts: 1065
Karma: 16
Doom and Gloom, while not quite steep is pretty fun and full o' pow on good days. it gets tracked up, but if you hit it early enough it's hella fun.
Member of the Execution Committee of the Secret NS.com Council
If humans and dolphins are the only mammals on the earth that have sex for pleasure, do dolphins masturbate themselves like humans do?
The 10 Commandments can in fact be narrowed down to only two:
1) Thou shalt be honest and truthfull to the one who gives you nookie
2) Thou shalt not kill unless the invisible god you worship is different than the invisible god they worship
Proud Member of the Issy Freeride Team
Posts: 9458
Karma: 105
i liked the runs up by the peak chair
~You Can Call Me Matty~
Posts: 131
Karma: 10
exitation is pretty steep and Air Jordan is usually untracked.
'Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms should be the name of a store, not a government agency.'
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