my brother works for a heli tour operator in the uk so thanks to him, we've been to many of the top heli ops around the world. in our experience, the best in north america are:
Bella Coola- insane terrain, great snow, they allow you to ski sick lines (if they think you're up to it) and best of all they offer a 'heli only' option where you stay in a cheaper hotel, get the heli and its like $3000 cheaper!
Mica Creek- same as bella coola re. terrain, snow and letting you ski lines, but also sick trees when the weather's bad. can you say pillows??
Skeena Heli- very similar to mica, epic trees, huge area, chill people.
Northern Escape- i haven't been but my bro says its sick.
No surprise that these are the go-to ops for film companies, their terrain is actually steep, they allow you to rip lines and they generally appreciate the fact that you're not fat, 50 years old and wearing a gaper suit.
Steer clear of super-big ops like CMH- they literally make you "plough" a 20 degree powder field right behind the guide and are full of said gapers.
Alaska is Alaska therefore the terrain is unparalled, but its so easy to get skanked by the weather and tree skiing is limited.
Hope that helps, my advice would be JUST DO IT! Yeah, so its expensive, but so are unnecessary luxuries like plasma tvs and nice cars to sit in traffic jams in...
no way you'll regret it.